He's been painted! The paints so far have just been Skin Illustrator pigments, I may or may not add some airbrushing with specially formulated airbrush paint, I'll have to sit with it for a little while and see what I like.
Here is the beginning of two things, stitching and hair-punching. Starting out, I need to say a huge, mind boggling thank-you to my friend Martha, (deviant here: http://snartha.deviantart.com/) she grew her dreads out for a while, and eventually cut them off, and didn't know what to do with them, so she sent them to me for whatever I could come up with. Hair on it's own is kind of a funny thing to find, but real dreads are the rarest of the rare and honestly would be useless to few others. So again, thank you to MJ.
Hair punching is literally punching hair with a tool into whatever skin material you have, be it latex, foam, gelatin, or silicone. Technique varies based on the material, but the principal is all the same, use a tool to jam the hair in, in certain cases, glue on the other side. I'm not an expert in the subject for any material, but work by those who are is stunning to see, and watch being done.
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