Monday, March 26, 2012

Commish! Sculpt!

almost done sculpting, there's a few minor issues with proportion but more pictures when it gets cast into it's shell for molding!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Commish: Latex head sculpt

Woo!! Been some radio silence around here because I've been busy with my other two jobs. But here is my latest commission in progress!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Repairs, preperations, and ... paper...

The Ogre mask is getting there.

The Oven worked well to solidify the paper, but the lack of Vaseline did not....

The paper of the mask ripped a bit in the removal from the clay, which is not idea, but because this is paper, it's simple to repair. A little more time with the machee some small pieces of paper, and some tape and it's more or less taken care of.

This one also has a newer feature, because I know that this mask will be worn, and will be used in a performance, I decided to add some metal into the edges of the mask where the ribbon will be attached to travel around the head.

still have a way to go on this mask, some sanding, gesso, and paint, but this one is turning out really really well compared to the last one, no buckling like the Who mask!

Papier Machee Cake!

I didn't disappear!!

Wow... ok... been a few days. Been a busy person, in a number of areas, but now I'm back and I have an update on the latest, Ogre mask...

Yes... I shit you not, the oven. I am baking paper, on clay... with chocolate chips inside...

ok no... no chocolate chips, that'd be awful and a good waste of chocolate, and I'd have to pick them out of the clay later.

The reason for this insanity is to try and dry out the glue that has been impregnated into the paper around the mask. The next step is to pry this mask off it's form which might prove more interesting than previous attempts. I had such failure with the cracking on the last mask, and despite my attempts to repair it, I decided to for-go the use of a 'resist' on the clay before laying down the paper.

This new removal of a step has so far worked, the paper does not show signs of weakness right now and no major rippling has occurred which was something that was the downfall of the last one.

Up next is a new commission for a bit more of a larger project... pictures once the sculpt has started...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Ogre Sculpt

Sculpting is fun! Horns, teeth, details... I seriously hope that I will be able to maintain as much detail in the paper machee as has been put into the sculpt of this.

2nd Commission!

Another co-worker has commissioned a mask for a concert he is performing in! Super excited for this one...

this one has a bit more of a set timeline so those waiting for the Lu mask will have to wait for an update once this one is finished.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Who finished?

To say that I was 100% happy with any of my own work would be a fabrication, there is always something that doesn't sit quite right, but from that I learn.

With this mask however, I have learned many... many... many things, there is a lot in this mask that I am not satisfied with, and things that I am going to try and improve on. I'm thinking that I will even put this up for a bit less than I usually would charge in my Etsy store just because I couldn't feel responsible asking for my usual amount.

There are things which I am happy with in this mask, I feel that the layers of colours in the skin tone has worked, I am working on how to apply a spatter pattern with an airbrush compressor that doesn't provide as much power as I would like. Also to be more mindful about how to lay the paper more effectively when constructing the mask.

The commission mask is coming up next! stay tuned!

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